Dreaming about an Aeron? A V2 Leap? Maybe a Humanscale Freedom with the Headrest?

These chairs are great and if it's in your budget, go and get em! But the chair you get is not the only or most important thing to consider...

6 things more important than buying the 'best office chair' on the market.

1) Take breaks in your work day. Stand up and walk around. Do not sit for hours at a time if it can be avoided.

2) Engage your core muscles when you sit. Does not need to be all the time, but try to remember to try to make it a habit. Tighten the muscles in your abdomen and squeeze the muscles in your butt cheeks. (find literally any video on ‘core strength’ for much better advice on this than I can offer)

3) Learn to use the adjustments on your ergonomic chair. I would rather have a correctly adjusted Criterion than a poorly adjusted Leap 2.

4) Sit on the floor, stretch, use a sit-stand desk for half an hour, anything to break up the day.

5) Pay attention to the way you use your arms at the keyboard. Pay attention to your shoulders, back and neck while typing. If you are putting pressure on yourself, change the keyboard (don't keep using that built in laptop keyboard)

6) Bring your monitor up to the height of your eyes. Use a monitor arm or a box to get it to that height. Having your neck angled either up or down can cause stress or ultimately injury.

Good luck setting up your workplace. If you would like more of my rambling thoughts on office chairs here they are.