NYC Good Guy Release from a Lease 

NYC landlords frequently require small tenants to sign a personal guarantee when they rent an office space.  This puts the owner on the hook for rent even if the entity that is renting goes out of business or is unable to make payments.  

When a 'Good Guy' clause is in your lease and if your business fails, you should be able to get relieved of the personal guarantee if:

1) You pay up to the last date you had gave up your access to the space

2) You leave the space in broom swept condition per your landlords requirements.  (this is where we can sometimes help)

3) Turn in whatever paperwork is required to surrender the space. There is usually a number of months required notice.

This is a used office furniture website. I hope it goes without saying (but I am saying it) that we are not lawyers but furniture liquidators.  We happen to live in this world and hear about this situation often but we cannot read a lease.  If you need legal advice, you should totally reach out to your attorney.  Stop googling this kind of stuff and pay your poor deserving NYC Lawyers their fees.

If you need help making the liquidation & broom sweep thing happen, quick, then let's talk.